“Writing is a solo, lonely act.”
That’s so true… or at least the actual writing part is. But with the invention of the internet and writing forums, writers don’t have to feel so alone anymore.
If you’re looking for an excellent writing forum, might I suggest Writingforums.com (Writing Forums, Workshops and Help for Writers—Writing Forums.
Unlike many forums out there, WF.com has been around for years (since 23-Sep-2002), and, like its home page says, is one of the fastest growing writing communities (and I do mean communities in the best sense of the word) on the web. By joining their free community you will be able to talk with other writers, get feedback on your work to improve your writing skills, discuss ideas, share tips & tricks, network and make friends!
Check out the impressive numbers as of this moment. Threads: 77,355, Posts: 948,010, Members: 29,798
If reading original works from the up-and-coming to the professional is what you're after, then WF.com (www.writingforums.com) is the place to find them. If you’re a writer or poet and a Writers’ Workshop or Poets’ Workshop to protect your first rights while improving your work is your focus, then you’ll find them there, too. They also have writing and poetry discussions, challenges galore, and enough forums to satisfy every taste (aside from Fanfiction, of course). There is even the hot Debate and the much calmer Lounge sections, where one can either go head to head with the best debaters around, or unwind and talk about your day or poignant topics. And let's not forget the Writing/Publishing Advice, and so much more.
And since registration is fast, simple and absolutely free, that only leaves one question: What are you waiting for? Go to Writing Forums and join the community today! And tell 'em Hawke sent you. :)